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Furniture Tabs Super Tabs ----ALWAYS TAB & BLOCK when cleaning upholstery!
See #30471 For Alternative Product
- Unfortunately these are no longer available.
- Please see #30471 as an alternative.
- Tabs and blocks prevent bleeding of wood stains and rust from metal objects onto carpet and rug fibers.
- ALWAYS place furniture tabs and foam blocks to prevent wood stains!
- Don’t end up having to come back to remove YOUR stain on YOUR customer’s carpet! BE A PROFESSIONAL!
Furniture Protector Tabs 3 X 3 Plastic (About 1000 per box) 20 packages of 50 each
Furniture Protectors: Plastic Tabs to Prevent Wood Stains after Carpet Cleaning
- Approximately 1000 per box--Convenient 20 packages of 50 each
- Durable Plastic to Prevent Wood and Rust Stains after Carpet Cleaning
- ALWAYS place furniture tabs and foam blocks to prevent wood stains
- Don’t end up having to come back to remove YOUR stain on YOUR customer’s carpet! BE A PROFESSIONAL!
- Furniture and other items with legs must be put on furniture protector tabs after cleaning the carpet or rug.