PCA™ Formula 5 Powdered Extraction Carpet Cleaning Detergent- 30 lb. pail

New Generation Powdered Cleaning Agent for hot water extraction cleaning of carpets, rugs and upholstery from Bane-Clene®

Item # 10963

  • PCA Formula 5 is Bane-Clene’s primary hot water extraction powdered detergent, designed especially for use on stain-resistant nylon fibers.
  • PCA Formula 5 is 100% active - no added fillers!
  • This highly concentrated, powdered extraction carpet cleaning agent has an increased Emulon® emulsifier level double that of PCA Formula 4 and six times the descaling water conditioners in PCA Formula 4.
  • PCA Formula 5 will perform in high-temperature systems where competitive powdered detergents will precipitate out and cause scaling problems.
  • Contains no cationics that would void stain-resist nylon carpet warranties.
  • Contains no optical brighteners that would void carpet warranties and can lead to yellowing of carpets and rugs.
  • Because it has a use pH below 10, PCA Formula 5 is safe for stain-resist nylon carpets such as Stainmaster™.
  • Contains descaling agents and water conditioners to help keep couplers clean, lubricate pumps and prevent clogging of jets.
  • PCA™ Formula 5 has earned the Seal of Approval for superior cleaning from the Carpet and Rug Institute - where "Only the Best Pass the Test"

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  • PCA™ Formula 5 Powdered Extraction Carpet Cleaning Detergent

    from Bane-Clene® Corp.

    Cleaning Carpet Traffic Lanes with PCA 5 Detergent

    PCA Formula 5 is Bane-Clene’s primary hot water extraction powdered detergent, designed especially for deep cleaning on stain-resistant nylon carpet. A potent, low-pH (under pH 10), low foam, 100% active emulsifier, which is safe for most carpet fibers, PCA Formula 5 is our most use-cost-effective cleaning agent and can be used in both truckmount holding tank equipment and siphon-feed/induction type extraction equipment. Works on both residential and commercial carpets

    Features of PCA Formula 5 Carpet Cleaning Detergent:

    • PCA Formula 5 is 100% active - no added fillers!
    • This highly concentrated, powdered extraction carpet cleaning agent has an increased Emulon® emulsifier level double that of PCA Formula 4 and six times the descaling water conditioners in PCA Formula 4.
    • PCA Formula 5 will perform in high-temperature systems where competitive powdered detergents will precipitate out and cause scaling problems.
    • Contains no cationics that would void stain-resist nylon carpet warranties.
    • Contains no optical brighteners that would void carpet warranties and can lead to yellowing of carpets and rugs.
    • Because it has a use pH below 10, PCA Formula 5 is safe for stain-resist nylon carpets such as Stainmaster™.
    • Contains descaling agents and water conditioners to help keep couplers clean, lubricate pumps and prevent clogging of jets.
    • Earned the CRI Seal of Approval.

    CRI Seal of Approval for PCA Formula 5:CRI Seal of Approval for PCA Formula 5

    Bane-Clene has earned the Seal of Approval for its PCA Formula 5 in-tank cleaner from the Carpet and Rug Institute, where “Only the Best Pass the Test”, signifying that it effectively removes soil without any damage to the carpet. The CRI Seal of Approval is awarded to carpet cleaning products that pass stringent tests administered by an independent, accredited laboratory.

    “When consumers see the CRI Seal of Approval on PCA Formula 5, they can trust that it will do the job they expect,” said Bill Bane, Jr., CEO of Bane-Clene. “We could not be more pleased that the carpet industry is distinguishing truly effective soil removal products from ones that don't even clean as well as water. In this sense, they are raising the bar for all carpet cleaning products.”

    PCA Formula 5 was rated on its effectiveness at removing soil, and thus at improving the appearance of a carpet. Plain water was used on a similar sample of soiled carpet as a control. The differential soil level between the cleaned sample and control was rated instrumentally as well as by a panel of independent technicians using industry-standard performance ratings. The product was also tested for rate of color change and re-soiling, which means whether or not a product attracts new dirt at an accelerated rate.

    “Effective soil removal is critical to extending a carpet’s life and appearance, especially in high traffic areas. And the Seal of Approval is proof that our product delivers. Our focus is on delivering value for our customers, and we are delighted to see our efforts recognized by CRI,” said Mr. Bane.

    About the Carpet and Rug Institute: CRI is the leading source for science-based information and insight on how carpet and rugs create a better environment-for living, working, learning and healing. The Institute’s mission is to serve the carpet industry and public by providing facts that help people make informed choices. Its best practices promote a balance between social, economic and environmental responsibility for the long term. CRI does this for its industry, yet it strives to be a model corporate citizen for all industries.

    Properties & Specifications:

    • Restrictions on Use:
      • For professional use only! Not for use by consumers!
      • Keep out of reach of children.
      • PCA Formula 5 should never be used with equipment containing aluminum pumps or water tanks.
      • Powdered detergents, if left uncovered, will draw moisture, cake up and become difficult to dissolve.
    • Form: Free flowing, white powder.
    • Odor: Lemon.
    • Use pH: 9-9.5 at 0.5%.
    • Use Concentration: 0.4 ounces per gallon. Add 1/3 of that amount of Booster as well.
    • Approved Use: Safe for stain-resistant nylon carpet.
    • Storage: Protect product from freezing. Keep container closed when not in use.
    • Container Sizes: 6 pound jar, 20 pound pail, 30 pound pail.
    • Manufacturer: Bane-Clene Corp.®
    • Country of Manufacture: United States of America.
    • Flammability: Non-flammable.
    • Catalog Numbers: 10963, 10966, 10961.

    Instructions and Directions for PCA Formula 5:

    • Keep out of reach of children.
    • Read label directions and cautions before using.
    • Always test on a hidden or inconspicuous area first.
    • Use a clean container to pre-mix a concentrate.
    • Pre-mix the proper amount of PCA Formula 5 as indicated below with approximately 2 gallons of very hot water.
    • Shake well until dissolved and then pour the mixture into the clean water supply tank of the unit.
    • Finish filling the tank with water.
    • However much PCA 5 was added, add 1/3 as much Booster™ for added cleaning power and water softener. Add 1 ounce of Per-Scent® per 100 gallons of cleaning solution.
    • Adding Booster to your carpet cleaning solution will dramatically improve cleaning performance without raising the pH level. Use of Booster will also leave the carpet or rug fibers softer to the touch and bare feet.
    • Adding Per-Scent to to your carpet cleaning solution leave a pleasant, lingering fragrance after cleaning.

    Filling Directions for PCA Formula 5 Powdered Cleaning Agent in Siphon-Feed Systems:

    1. Make a pre-mix solution by adding 8 to 24 ounces (liquid measure with a Measuring cup) of PCA Formula 5 to each 5 gallons capacity of the concentrate tank.
    2. Agitate the solution until completely dissolved before beginning siphon operation. Adjust dial as needed.


    1. Use a clean container to pre-mix a concentrate.
    2. Pre-mix the proper amount of PCA Formula 5 as indicated below with approximately 2 gallons of hot water.
    3. Shake well until mostly dissolved and then pour the mixture into the clean water supply tank of the unit.
    4. Divide the amount of PCA added to the tank, divide by 3 and add that much Booster to the tank.
    5. Finish filling the tank with water.
    6. Add 1 ounce of Per-Scent per 100 gallons of cleaning solution.

    Amounts of PCA FORMULA 5 for each Bane-Clene Machine:

    • Mega-Port®: 4 ounces (liquid measure with a Measuring cup) per 10 gallons water.
    • Ultra-Port Basic®: 8 ounces (liquid measure with a Measuring cup) per 20 gallons water.
    • Ultra-Port Deluxe®: 8 ounces (liquid measure with a Measuring cup) per 20 gallons water.
    • Mini-Mount®: 28 ounces (liquid measure with a Measuring cup) per 70 gallons water.
    • Perma-Mount® 70: 28 ounces (liquid measure with a Measuring cup) per 70 gallons water.
    • Maxi-Mount®: 48 ounces (liquid measure with a Measuring cup per 120 gallons water
    • Perma-Mount® 120: 48 ounces (liquid measure with a Measuring cup per 120 gallons water
    • Para-Mount®: 48 ounces (liquid measure with a Measuring cup per 120 gallons water
    • Duo-Mount®: 60 ounces per 150 gallons water.
    • NOTE: However much powder you added to the solution tank by volume, divide by 3 and add that much Booster. Also, add 1 ounce of Per-Scent per 100 gallons of cleaning solution.


    1. Make a pre-mix solution by adding 8 to 24 ounces (liquid measure with a Measuring cup) of PCA Formula 5 to each 5 gallons capacity of the concentrate tank. Add Booster as above.
    2. Agitate the solution thoroughly before beginning siphon operation. Adjust dial as needed.

    Related Carpet Cleaning Information:

    Click the “Usage & Tips” tab above for article titled “Chemistry of Detergents and Professional Carpet Cleaning Chemicals”.

    VIDEO: Bane-Clene Carpet Cleaning Detergents and Emulsifiers

    Presented by Bane-Clene’s chemist, this video shows how PCA Formula 5, Booster and Per-Scent are used in a Bane-Clene truckmount carpet cleaning machine for the best carpet cleaning you’ve ever seen.

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    Bane-Clene Paper CatalogFree packet of information about Bane-Clene can be obtained by calling toll-free 1-800-428-9512 (U.S. ONLY!). Your information packet will include a full color catalog and price addendum. Packets will arrive in approximately 2 weeks through standard United States Mail.

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